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Specialist in Engineering and Financial Recruitment

"Creating Added Value"

"Creating Added Value"

"Creating Added Value"

"Creating Added Value"

Business Associates Network (BAN) Recruitment

Company Profile

BAN Recruitment is a recruitment agency focusing on the placement of highly specialised engineering and financial candidates. Our young company was launched in March 2013, but backed and supported with more than 10 years’ recruitment experience. We serve local and international clients and applicants from our office in the Rotterdam area, The Netherlands.
We offer an “all inclusive” recruitment service in the engineering and financial sectors. Our talented professionals do everything possible to ensure your company hires only the top talent. Our research team combines the latest technologies with targeted social networking techniques to attract the best possible candidates. Our recruitment specialists manage all the hiring logistics to make the process smooth and seamless. Our recruitment team handles the correspondence between clients and candidates so that both parties’ needs are met.

The Human Dimension

Everybody accepts that the most valuable asset of a company, its people, does not appear in the balance sheet and takes the lift out of the office every evening. However many companies invest more in installing and maintaining their lifts than in recruiting and training their personnel. They worry more about "shareholder value" and short-term profits than about developing the skills and well-being of their employees.

At BAN Recruitment, we cannot help you service your lifts but we can certainly help you recruit the best people to develop your business. We realise that if a company does not have the right people and if these people are not committed, operating efficiency and profitability will be diminished greatly.

“In today's society, a company which does not take into account the human dimension will almost certainly lose "shareholder value" in the medium-term.”

And if people are the most important asset in your company, recruitment must be the most important function and treated as an investment rather than a cost. It should be performed by experts who can offer you valuable advice as well as identifying the best people quickly and proactively.
However, in today’s market it is not enough to recruit the best people. Top people need to be "re-recruited" on a daily basis. There is increasing competition for talent, maybe even more so when the economy is difficult and the quality of your people becomes the main differentiating factor and key to success. Jobs for life have disappeared, but by increasing the efficiency and skill sets of your existing staff you will have a more motivated workforce and ultimately a more profitable business.

Mission Statement

BAN recruitment aims to provide strategic recruitment services by working with an extensive network of clients and candidates. We firmly believe in providing only the best customer service, designed to meet the evolving needs of both clients and candidates.
We take a holistic approach with candidates. We give you advice to help you make intelligent decisions that open up opportunities.
We take the trouble to understanding each client’s unique organisational culture and values. This enables us to guide your company to make profitable decisions by employing candidates who completely match your requirements, and who become contented and creative employees. We aim to provide people who will add value to your company. Who will contribute towards your company reaching its growth potential and meeting its business challenges. People who will facilitate ongoing success for your company.

Moral Commitments

  1. We will not recruit a candidate for a position if we do not truly believe that it is the right move for the person. Our integrity is more important to us than making a "quick buck" at the expense of the candidate. Indeed we believe that we can make more bucks in the long term by respecting our ethics.
  2. Similarly, we will not propose a candidate to a client if we are not convinced that he can perform the job. Whilst we cannot totally guarantee the performance of our candidates we will never knowingly oversell someone.
  3. We refuse to work with candidates whom we believe to have a "mercenary" approach and whose motivation to change jobs is base on pure financial and short-term considerations.
  4. We also refuse to work with clients who do not share our belief in the importance of the human dimension in recruitment and who continue to practice a "hire and fire" approach. Although it's the client who pays our fees we believe that it is equally important to defend the rights and interests of our candidates.
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E-mail: contact@banrecruitment.com
Mobile: +31(0)6 – 22 302 477
(Owner/Director: Mr. Peter van den Ban)

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